Thursday, April 19, 2012

Trivia About Michael Jackson's Kids

Prince Michael Jackson I (Michael Jackson Jr) 

Date of birth: 13rd February 1997, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA

Nickname: Prince;  Applehead

Height: 5' 7''

Favorite song of Michael's: Thriller

Macaulay Culkin is his Godfather, and Elizabeth Taylor is his Godmother.

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Date of birth: 3rd April 1998, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA

Nickname: Paris; Parrybear

Height: 5' 5"

Favorite song of Michael's: Smooth Criminal

Same just like Prince. Her Godfather and Godmother are Mac Culkin and Liz Taylor.

Prince Michael Jackson II

Date of birth: 21st February 2002, USA

Nickname: Blanket

Favorite song of Michael's: He actually doesn't have one. He likes them all

He's the third child of Michael Jackson, but his mommy is unknown. So are his GodFather and his Godmother.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Michael Jackson Best Of Joy

This is Michael's handwritten about Best of Joy lyrics. The song was released include in "Michael" album 2010.
The song is dedicated to Michael's children (Prince, Paris and Blanket) and his whole fans either.

"Magical Child"

Once there was a child and he was free
Deep inside, he felt the laughter
The mirth and play of nature's glee
He was not troubled by thoughts of hereafter
beauty, love was all he'd see

He knew his power was the power of God
He was so sure, he considered him odd
This power of innocence, of compassion, of light
Threatened of the priest and created a fright

In endless ways they sought  to dismantle
This mysterious force which they could not handle

In endless ways they tried to destroy
His simple trust, his boundless joy
His invincible armor was a shield of bliss
Nothing could touch it, no venom, no hiss

The child remained in a state of grace
He wasn't confined in time or place

In Technicolor of dreams, he frolicked and play  
While acting his part, in Eternity he stayed

Soothsayers came and fortunes were told
Some were vehement, others were bold
In denouncing this child, this perplexing creature
with the rest of the world he shared no feature
Is he real? He is so strange
His unpredictable nature knows no range
He puzzles us so, is he straight?
What's his destiny? What's his fate?

And while they whispered and conspired
Through the endless rumours to get him tired
To kill his wonder, trample him near
Burn his courage, fuel his fear
The child remained just simple, sincere

All he wanted was a mountain high
Color the clouds, and paint the sky
Beyond these boundaries, he wanted to fly
In nature's scheme, never to die

Don't stop this child, he's the father of man
Don't cross his way, he's part of the plan
I am that Child, so are you
You've just forgotten, just lost the clue

Inside your heart sits a Seer
Between his thoughts, he can hear
A melody simple but wondrously clear
The music of life, so precious, so dear

If you could for one moment know
This spark of creation, this exquisite glow
You would come and dance with me
Kindle this fire and you could see
All the children of the Earth
Weave their magic and give new birth
To a world of freedom with no pain
A world of joy, much more sane

Deep inside, you know it's true
Just find that child, it's hiding in you

Michael Jackson: Dancing In The Dream

"A Missing Heart"

This love has been buried by the time  
The bustles of longing is roaring
Sells the hope which so thunderous
Remembering the past moment

Time...time..and time
How long you will be gone?
Till today is fading
Covered by a million longings

I said
How long you will be gone?
Till my heart is starting to dim
Yearning of love to see

The feeling begins to snitch
To the love which dissoveld by the time
So it's gonna be dissapeared
For the hearts to re-united

Poem for Michael Jackson


Now i found the love from you
While my heart is full of emptiness
Inside my loneliness

You just came and brought the hope
While you fulfilled the empty side of heart
With your love which fused to my soul

Carve my every sweet dream about us
But it's only an expectation
Which i really miss it
Because i'm tired of waiting

This heart is crying in the silence
Just waiting for and not being tired
When you stare at with the smile
So sincere and beautiful to look at by my eyes
Brings the serenity inside the bosom
Everytime when you embrace me in your love

Poem for Michael Jackson: Made by!/MJJacksonIsMine

"Goodbye My Angel"

A drop of dew with the light of sun
The master of song makes this day much more beautiful 
The bright sky guides the sincere of soul
Greeting to the little angel

But everything is disappeared
The clouds are surrounding the universe
Teardrops only left the painfulness

The sounds of  the angels' harp strings
The rhyme of melody comes into the mind
Accompanying the grief of heart
Scratches the stanzas of song

The daisy sprinkles embrace the white of headstone
The headstone of the king which studded with gold
Bow the head for every human being
                                                                   Remembering about the flow of life being grounded

June 25th
You wrote it down with your ink
The message of your legacy
As a king is not everything

Like an angel without wings
Goodbye my king...
Please be survived to take a new path
Without the minders, without a handicap

I will beg God
So you can still here with me
Not be lost in my dreams
Being my light for my daytime, my nighttime
Like a star till my last breath.

For: Michael Jackson

"The Bloody Mirror" (Chapter 5th)


     Buru-buru Paris berlari menuju kamar mandi itu.
“Ah~” Paris meringis. Kakinya berdarah karena tak sengaja menginjak pecahan kaca. Dilihatnya cermin itu sudah retak, dan sebagiannya lagi kini sudah hancur berantakan.

Paris kembali mengatur langkahnya, ia mencoba berhati-hati agar tidak terinjak pecahan beling sialan itu
“Pergi...atau mati!” Betapa terkejutnya Paris tatkala ia mendapati sebuah torehan darah di bagian cermin yang masih utuh tersebut. Dahinya berkerut, lalu menyimpulkan senyuman konyol.
“Benarkah? Semudah itu kalian mengusirku? Hah.. kalian pikir aku takut?” Paris menggumam. Paris mengira ini semua pekerjaan teman-teman ‘slutty bitch’ mendiang Nicole.
“Jangan macam-macam, atau kalian akan kubuat seperti Nicole!” papar Paris sedikit bercanda.
Mendadak jendela kamar mandi terbuka dengan keras, membuat Paris terlonjak kaget. Angin kencang begitu deras mengibaskan rambut panjangnya. Jantungnya kembali berdegup keras. “A..apa aku salah bicara?”  Paris ketakutan.
Ia sengaja tak membalikkan badannya. Namun tetap saja, Paris kembali melihat sosok tubuh janggal yang terpantul di cermin retak itu. Paris mengenali itu! Sosok perempuan yang pernah muncul dalam mimpinya.
“Oh Tuhan!” desis Paris gemetar. “A..apa yang kau inginkan??!” Paris mencoba mengumpulkan seluruh nyalinya yang masih tersisa.
Sayangnya, sosok itu terus berjalan mengarah Paris.
Lari..ayo cepat lari!.
Sekuat tenaga Paris menderapkan kakinya menuju kembali ke kamar.
 “Ahk~” Lagi-lagi kakinya tak sengaja menginjak kepingan kaca itu. Akan tetapi, Paris tak menghiraukannya ia tetap saja menyeret kedua kakinya yang terasa kaku itu.
“Pergi...atau mati!”
TULISAN ITU. Tulisan itu kini berada dimana-mana. Tembok kamar, layar televisi, lemari, pintu. Sialan!! Apa maksud semua itu?

Paris mulai cemas. Dan kini hatinya sangat yakin bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres. Bukan... ini bukan sekedar kebetulan.
Lemari yang tepat berada di depan Paris berdiri roboh. Jendela-jendela ruangan itu terbuka lebar ditambah angin menderu-deru di balik kibasan tirai tipis itu.
When you’re all alone
Just take my hand
Hold on
Call my name, and i’ll make you strong
Don’t regret to know me
Don’t stay around
Because i’m on your side
To help you, killing for someone...

Lagu itu kembali memenuhi indra pendengaran Paris.
“Ke..kenapa lagu itu?” desis Paris panik.

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